Publicado el 13 diciembre 2020 | Archivado en Actividades Socios, Comunicacion 2.0, Relaciones Internacionales, Ryder Club de España, Socios, Tertulias Fulbright | Salir del comentario

Tertulia Fulbright Martes 15 de diciembre 20.00 hrs
Prof. Dr. D.  Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky
«El papel fascinante de las arcillas en la vida cotidiana

Continuamos con la modalidad de tertulia telemática, y para la próxima hemos invitado a un prestigioso profesor, Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky, recientemente galardonado con la medallla Bailey Distinguished Member Award por la sociedad  The Clay Minerals Society (USA, 2020) que es la mayor distinción de esta entidad. Se le concede por su eminencia científica en mineralogía de las arcillas, evidenciado por sus publicaciones y su impacto en la ciencia y la sociedad.  Presentamos en inglés su biografía, aunque la conferencia será impartida en castellano.

Nuestra tertulia será virtual, por medio de plataforma ZOOM. Para asistir debeis preinscribiros antes en el formulario que os aparece al pinchar aquí. Os llegará entonces a vuestro buzón de correo electrónico una notificación con el enlace definitivo personal que deberéis usar para entrar a la sesión desde las 19.55 del día 15 de diciembre. Deberéis tener descargada la aplicación gratuita desde www.zoom.us
Para invitar a conocidos a asistir a la tertulia, pedidles por favor que envíen un correo a Angel Alvarez angel.alvarez.rodriguez@gmail.com expresando su deseo de asistir y mencionando al asociado que le ha invitado.

Os deseamos a todos mucha salud, y os esperamos el martes 15 de diciembre.

Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky is currently  Ad Honorem Research Professor at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) being Founder and First Director of several Departments including the “New Architectures in Materials Chemistry Department”, the last one among various departments created by him in the past decades. 

Graduated in Chemistry (Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1970; Docteur en Sciences (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 1974), and PhD in Chemistry (Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1979). Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Kiel (Germany, 1976). Tenure Scientist at the Instituto de Edafología y Biología Vegetal (Soil Science Institute, CSIC, 1975-1985), Senior Research Scientist (1985-1988) at the Physical-Chemistry of Minerals Institute (CSIC). Research Professor since 1988, contributed to the creation of the prestigious Materials Science Institute of Madrid, being there a member of the Direction Committee during a couple of decades.

He mainly dedicated his research activities to the study of clays, clay minerals and related solids from basic research to applications in fields as diverse as Biomedicine and Environment to Nanotechnology. Supervisor of around 20 PhD Thesis, author of more than 300 publications, including high impact journals such as Nature, and around 20 patents some of them transferred to Industry. He has received more than 10,000 citations (h-index  >50).

President of the Sociedad Española de Arcillas (SEA) (Spanish Clay Society) (2006-2010);  Member of the Junta de Gobierno (Direction Committee) at the ICMM- CSIC (1987-2009); Member of the Direction Committee of the Inorganic Chemistry Group belonging to the Real Sociedad Española de Química (Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry) (1989-2013).

Organizer and Chair of several international conferences such as the Euchem Conference on Chemical Reactivity in Nanoporous Solids,  (Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain, 1999); the 5th Materials Discussions of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (Madrid, 2002); the American-Japanese-Spanish Trilateral Meeting on Clay Minerals (Madrid & Seville,  2010);  the 4th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (Sitges, Spain, 2015).

Invited Professor at the Université de Paris-Sud (Orsay) and Collège de France, Paris (1987 & 2011); Senior Fellow at the National Laboratory of Nanotechnology, Campinas, Brazil, 2015; Invited Professor at the Waseda University, Tokyo (2012 & 2014) and Invited Lecturer at the MIT, Cambridge (USA, 2017).

He was awarded by the Académie Royal des Sciences, des Lettres et Beaux Arts de Belgique, (Brussels, 1976); the Association des Chimistes de l’Université de Louvain  (Louvain 1976); the Ministry of Sugar (Havana, 1995); the National Academy of Sciences (Havana, 2008 & 2017); the Budé Medal, Collège de France (Paris, 2011), the AIPEA Medal (Tokyo, 2005) and the Bailey Distinguished Member Award,  the Clay Minerals Society (USA, 2020).
Tema: ZoomCall Tertulia Fulbright
Martes 15 de diciembre 20.00 hrs Madrid


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